Sunday, December 30, 2018

One Million Reader Mark In 6 Months....Thank You Loyal Readers!

Very happy and proud to see this blog cross the first 1 million readers from around the world within 6 months!

Aiming to give the financial media and bank research analysts a run for their money while sharing knowledge and advising all concerned about the future rather than the past.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Warning: Currencies Will Keep Plunging & Hundreds Of Online FX Brokers Are Being Shut Around The World

All currencies around the world are just going down every year for the last several years against the USD.

This one way decline is not good for majority of the clients who cannot make profits unless they short but most clients as well advisers have a bias for long and always believe that currencies (or stocks) will bounce back.

However, as we have been advising our clients that investing in other currencies is not profitable any longer until the USD collapses.

5 year performance of select currencies (ascending losses):

Monday, December 24, 2018

Warmest Greetings Of The Season, Merry Christmas & Best Wishes For A Happy & Prosperous 2019

Sending Season's Greetings to all our loyal readers, your families and to all our well wishers:

May the New Year Bring Lasting Peace, Abundant Joy & Loads of Happiness For Us All!

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Luxury Global Real Estate Prices In Free Fall Throughout 2018 Except Philippines and China

We have advised all our multi million dollar clients since late 2014 (when oil first started it's precipitous decline) to exit whatever property investments they have as much as they can, anywhere in the world. 

Almost all have listened to us wisely. 

Because we have been 100% correct!

We continue to remain negative on global real estate investments in top cities like London and NY and others like across Canada and Australia or in UAE and India.

We had even issued a warning alert on our blog on 2 Aug 2018.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

First Ever Bank In The UAE & Middle East Receives A Bail Out!

On a quiet Friday evening when everyone in the Middle East is enjoying their weekend the first ever UAE bank reached the point of a collapse (as we have been expecting and have warned everyone for years).

Invest Bank of Sharjah had reached a critical point of collapse with lack of liquidity, capital, profits and massive loan losses and needed to be bailed out surreptitiously on a Friday afternoon today, 14 Dec 2018!

Hundreds of bankers will be fired as the clean up begins and expect more bank mergers over the next several months.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

"Smartest" Hedge Funds Collapse & Lose Client Money Across All Sectors

We continue to reiterate that it's impossible for even the best of the best fund managers to make money for their clients.

Whether they are bankers with fancy degrees in smart suits, or CFA degree holders romanticizing as advisers or past bond market gurus or hedge fund legends.

All of them will keep failing.

We continue to remain steadfast in our views since late 2015.

We all know how superbly Abraaj Group in Dubai blew up and lost money for Bill Gates and many other similar clients totaling over USD 15 billion!