Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Hottest German Summer Of 2018: Major Heat Wave & Drought Hurting The Economy

Germany is reeling under declining manufacturing due to trade war with America, Saudi and Russia, a global trade slowdown, weak Euro, weak banks etc. Only some Brexit related jobs are moving from UK.

And now a heat wave is hurting their food reserves and bringing food prices lower and hurting the farmers.

Famous Autobahn roads are blowing up due to 60 degree centigrade heat, airport runaways have been damaged, train tracks have buckled in some areas and lines closed.

It’s expected that in the future, temperatures will continue to rise globally but in the colder countries, the damage could be both to their economy (with drought, changing farming patterns etc.) and the way people are used to living (in insulated homes not well prepared for prolonged hot weather and poorer infrastructure).

A documentary worth watching:

Germany, the second largest European wheat exporter, has been hard hit with a heatwave that occurred in May, rising temperatures to a level unseen since 1881 at that time of the year. The country’s farmers’ association DBV has reported that wheat production would be down 25% this yearand has called out for $1.2 billion in drought relief. “

"We expect billions in losses," DBV president Joachim Rukwied told German media last week.”

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