Saturday, July 28, 2018

Barcelona, Venice, Mallorca, Copenhagen:Tourists Not Welcome, As The World Keeps Sinking Under The Weight Of Overpopulation

Across Europe, tourism is on the rise from overseas.

Reasons are that more Chinese and Indian travellers (combined population 2.7bn) than ever before can afford to travel overseas, stronger USD allows more Americans to visit “charming” Europe, rapidly rising refugees etc.

Overall the European economies are not doing well hence they welcome the increased tourism and the money spending tourists but the tiny cities are being overwhelmed and overrun by global tourists. 

The cities are unable to handle the influx any more.

Crackdowns on tourists are occurring on what areas tourists can be permitted, number of days when there is a ban on entry of tourists, crackdown on real estate rentals, on AirBnb rentals and various other measures. 

This does not include the pollution damage that the tourists leave behind.

The world is simply cracking under the weight of over population all around us.

From terrorism, to climate change, to plastic pollution, to dying fish and animal species, to global crisis wherein millions of jobs are being fired every year as major businesses keep collapsing.

Now it’s the turn of tourism.

In some extreme cases in Italy, immigrants, tourists and refugees are being shot at or killed by locals with real guns.

Illegal migrants from Africa are flooding Spain as this astonishing video of Friday, 27thJuly 2018 shows at a remote beach in Spain.

Any way you look at it, Europe is slowly dying under the influx of mostly Muslim refugees and Muslim migrants who will change the very ethnicity and the Catholic rooted culture of Europe. 

In addition, economic crisis, migrant tensions, rapidly rising crimes, Islamisation of Europe, unemployment, bankrupt Governments, reducing exports and fallout from tourism related damage to the cities will create variety of conflicts among European nations (aside from Brexit and currency problems) that they will be unable to tackle them ALL at the SAME TIME.

Meanwhile, local residents from Lisbon, Copenhagen, Venice, Rome, Barcelona etc are leaving in thousands thereby killing the European culture, partly due to the crush of tourists, partly due to the erroneous policies of Governments to allow thousands upon thousands of Muslim or African migrants leading to highest ever crimes and partly due to high cost of living and high unemployment. 

The refugees are destroying the culture of Europe by burning their hundreds of years old churches. One church was burnt in France just yesterday. This is the 5thattack on a church in France just in 2018.

Entire Europe could be in flames unless they stop the mass tourism and mass migration. 

In Sweden, right wingers are on the rise. 

Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Denmark and Austria are closing the gates for migrants and tightening laws on Muslim veils.

Spain and Italy have seen change of Governments due to migrant tensions and rising crimes.

We could see a BREXIT like referendum in Sweden soon where the youth are angry with the Govt. Polls show more than half of Swedes, Finns and Danes want a Nordic union instead of remain in EU.

Business climate, tourism and cultural friction is more toxic than ever before in European history and this will continue to chip away at the very core of European Union.

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