Monday, June 6, 2022

Many Countries Rush To Do Business With Turkey; Turkish Citizenship Seekers Rush In As Turkey Flourishes Causing Trade, Tourism & Real Estate To Spike

Turkey offers a citizenship solution to all those who wish to leave their country and aim to settle in another country.

We can assist if you are interested to discuss or pursue the citizenship route to Turkey.

Many countries are in crisis mode or declining mode for one reason or another.

However, Turkey is flourishing and allows foreigners to invest money in Turkey in order to receive the citizenship of Turkey.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Hello, World of 2022!

Hello, World of May 2022,

We may begin writing again.....

So stay tuned!

Until then enjoy this article from the Economist from Nov 2021 which for the most part is turning out to be true. 

Except that we disagree that crypto has any value. 

Crypto does not have much value due to which almost USD 2 trillion has been lost so far in the past 6 months in the world of crypto.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

India's Jet Airways Ends Operations As We Had Predicted In Aug 2018

Back in Aug 2018, when almost no one had a clue whether a top Indian airline would shut down, we had made our bold prediction that one airline will shut and our hint was towards Jet Airways because they were the only ones to default on their debt.

Ever since that day, Jet Airways has juggled from one public crisis to another and finally, right during the general elections of India being held since 11 Apr until 23 May (when the results shall be announced), Jet Airways has collapsed!

Knowing what we know about the company and how India works, it went exactly as we had predicted.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Saudi Arabia, Once Again, Threatens USA To Sell Oil In "Other Currencies" Like Chinese Yuan: Analysis & Impact

The first time we argued about the rising animosity between Saudi and USA was in Dec 2014.

This chart is from the advisory that we had prepared for our clients back in Dec 2014.

This chart shows when America began producing more oil than Saudi Arabia in 2014 after 22 years.

Ever since, Saudi has struggled in it's oil sales, has run out cash, is busy selling it's top most companies, has run 6 years of budget deficit while borrowing tens of billions every year, passed new taxes and fines, removed subsidies on petrol, water, electricity bills, deported millions of expats, has arrested thousands of Saudis and taken their trillions, major companies like Saudi Oger have collapsed, large banks are merging and thousands of small businesses have shut etc.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Your Opinion Counts: Feedback & Survey For Redesigning This Blog

We shall be redesigning this blog.

Besides a refresh, one change will be that we wish to make it a paid members only blog.

We intend to charge as following:

Monthly: USD 5 per month (one time or recurring option to pay every month shall be made available)

Quarterly payment: USD 12 per quarter (20% discount from monthly payment option).

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Malaysian Economy Is Grinding To A Halt, Future Is Even Worse Due to Anti China Stance, Scams, Loss Making Sovereign Fund Having A Fire Sale Of Assets, Shutting Businesses, Dropping Real Estate, Declining Tourism, Closing Hotels, Declining Govt Spending, Declining Expat Population...& An About To Shut Down National Airline

USD-MYR Exchange Rate, 2009-2019
The sheer number of scams and business closures coming out of Malaysia over the last several years, a nation of less 32 million is shocking.

The scandal of ex Malaysian PM Najib has brought global embarrassment and massive losses for all Malaysians.

Over half a dozen countries plus the corrupt enabler Goldman Sachs were involved in siphoning off of tens of billions of dollars from the Malaysian Treasury into the pockets of Goldman Sachs and billions into the pockets of many people but most of all the ex Malaysian PM Najib himself.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

This Is What The Wealthy Are Acquiring As A Status Symbol & We Can Help

We have advised our clients for about a decade on the benefits of having a second citizenship.

We have taken advantage of the inexpensive yet lifelong Permanent Residency (PR) card of Singapore that did not even require a stay in Singapore until Dec 2011 for a few of our clients.

We have also taken advantage of discounts of Caribbean countries who offer 50% discounts on donations to the Govt.

We have also advised again and again that these passports will all be shut down so the best time to acquire them is NOW, subject to whatever is still available.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Philippines: One of The Only Rising Real Estate Market Opportunity In The World: Some Investment Ideas

Cebu City
We have advised on this blog since last year (and since 2015 to our clients) that the only rising real estate market is in the Philippines, aside from China.

We have mentioned since last year that Chinese are coming in hundreds and thousands to Philippines and whoever wishes to invest must do it now. It's still not too late.

Based on our on the ground research and from our network, we had mentioned about the Chinese previously.

Now newspaper articles are coming with data.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

34,000 Singaporeans Set To Lose 90% Of Their Savings With Hyflux Desalination Plant Investment & Singapore Airlines (along with dozens globally) Forced To Halt Boeing 737 MAX Planes & Some Suggestions For Singapore

We were not aware of this fiasco until today when it is making headline news in Singapore and around the world.

A new desalination and power plant in Singapore was projected to give 6% returns p.a. almost into perpetuity with highly risky junior debt totalling SGD 900m raised from 34,000 Singaporeans with the tacit support of the Govt.

There have been problems brewing with Hyflux for well over a year now.

They have tried to sell a plant, have defaulted in their commitments to the Singapore water agency PUB who has even served a notice of take over.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Singapore: An Economy In Terminal Decline

Courtesy: Getty Images
Over the last few years, Singaporean economy has been gradually declining due to money laundering being caught in banks, tax amnesties drawing billions back to various nations like China, Indonesia, Pakistan, India (soon Philippines will launch it's own tax amnesty), tightening immigration policies, decline in work permits for expats, super high cost of living, declining tourism and investors, banks closing or laying off in thousands each, retail stores closing and so much more.

On top of everything, Singapore has an anti China stance and has reduced immigration and work permits and reduced their connectivity with China.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Canadian & American Economies Are Being Torn Apart By Trump's Tariff Tantrums, His Disrespect For Diplomacy & His Intransigent Attitude

On this very blog since last year, we have advised the US Govt (and Canadian Govt for supporting the US stand against China) to change their views and reverse all their silly trade tariffs against China and stop all animosity in their dealings with China.

However, they refuse to listen to us.

Therefore, the Canadian and American businesses, citizens, employees etc (which is the entire American nation and the Canadian nation) are paying a heavy price for the completely avoidable silliness of US President Donald Trump.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Interested To Invest In An Innovative, Futuristic Company?

We are currently raising funds for a company that is highly innovative.

It is able to provide a 3D geo-location using a mesh network that does not use existing infrastructure.

For the very first time, we will have "3D mapped geo-location live movement tracking" available only through this company, thanks to patents registered in several countries including 2 registered patents so far, in the USA.

It is a very interesting technology that is being well received and is currently doing pilot demonstrations and agreements with some of the largest companies in the world plus Govt's and real estate companies etc. 

Saturday, March 2, 2019

JP Morgan: America's Largest Bank: Thy Name Is The Definition Of Duplicity & Hypocrisy

Almost no one trusts bankers in today's world especially the ones working within the banks currently, over the last few years. 

Let's analyze based on information within the last 30 days why JP Morgan, America's largest bank, is the very definition of duplicity, deceit and hypocrisy, almost to the level of cheating and criminal activity.

Last month on 4th of Feb 2019, JP Morgan released a research report for their clients suggesting the following for China's economy:

Thursday, February 28, 2019

This Blog & My Profile Gets Reviewed By A Popular YouTube Vlogger & A Personal Branding Strategist

It is with pleasure that I can report that this blog and my profile have been highlighted and reviewed by a prominent Youtube vlogger.

His name is Loy Machedo and he makes regular videos about various news and has quite a fan following from a global multi cultural audience. 

I heartily thank Loy Machedo for making a video about my previous post on the Canadian economy as well as sharing this blog with his followers.

He has more than 23,000 subscribers as on date and his followers are rising rapidly whereby he receives thousands of views on each of his video.

I am humbled by this review and it endorses that many people are following this blog.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Why Does Trump Want To Destroy America?

Credit: Berkeley Political Review, Curtis Wang, 01/25/2019
We had warned in June & Sept of 2018, that the US economy will get severely damaged if President Trump does not back off from his wrong position on tariffs and trade wars.

Here are our warnings of a US economic collapse dated Sept 2018 as well June 2018.

We were among the very first to warn of the damage caused due to tariffs that shall be felt around the world but mostly on the US economy, US businesses, US employees etc unless Trump backs off.

Trump has backed off both on the Mexico border wall funding as well as keeps delaying his own timelines for a China trade deal. Because he eventually always turns out to be wrong in his assessments and then needs to back off.